Saturday, April 25, 2009

Losing a Golden Girl...

Bea Arthur died today at the age of 86. She had cancer.

Betty White was the Golden Girl I loved the most... but Bea Arthur was the one I most wanted to be like. There was never anything that rattled her character... she was always ready with her quick wit and dry sense of humor. She always dressed in an eclectically elegant fashion... I loved the way she walked and how she held her head so high... she showed her strength... but also, sometimes, her vulnerability... She was a wonderful actress and humanitarian... She will be missed...
Bea, Rue and Betty... our Golden Girls... Girls that we want to be like as we get older...
I'm Bea... which Golden Girl are you?

Goodbye Bea... Sweet Dreams... from down here in French Lique...


  1. I love Golden Girls. I'm afraid I am most like Betty, but I sure wanted to be like Bea. She was a great actress, and I was sorry to hear that she had died. laurie

  2. I loved this show too. I like to think that I'm most like Dorothy. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I loved The Golden Girls and this is so sad.

    Have a Blessed Sunday
    from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

  4. What a sweet honor to a great lady.
    I guess I am most like Betty, wasn't she kinda dingy?
    Next time you visit, you'll see your name on the Heart Smiles award list.
    Hope you don't mind, but I just had to have you on it. No pressure to pass along...just smile and know you make me smile.
    Sunday Smiles, Candy

  5. I read this last night, she was a strong beautiful woman. I so loved to see the Golden girls. I'm afraid I'm a mix between Bea, Dorothy and Betty.
    She will be greatly missed.

  6. I was so sad to hear the news about Ms. Arthur. What a class act. She will be sorely missed.

  7. When Hubby told me about this yesterday it felt like I had lost a dear friend. She will truly be missed.

  8. i loved the golden girls, too. i remember watching them all the time with my mom!! i was shocked to hear that she had died. i didn't know until i stopped by your blog!

  9. I still love the "Golden Girls," and was sad to hear about Ms. Arthur. She was truly one of a kind and will be missed.

    Thank you, Dixie, for this tribute to her ... both as an actress and as a person.

  10. Thank you for the words ,I have been trying to express the sadness I felt at her passing .
    She was a great lady and will be remembered with a smile.
    Blessings to you .

  11. So sad to hear of her passing....I did not watch the show very much, but enough to get familiar with the characters. I think I am Rue minus the men....All talk and no do...Love Tiina....

  12. I think all the ladies were great on the show, but I think I might like to take after the Betty White character the most.......a little bit left of normal, but oh so sweet and funny*! _Ashley*

  13. I loved the Golden Girls such a great influence for older women that you can still have fun....she will be missed...

  14. I never missed an episode! And when my son was a little guy, and used to go to grandma's house if hubby and I had an event to go to, he knew he would be watching Golden Girls with grandma. He still has memories of that special time.

    I adore Betty White....always have from the days back when she was on Password with her hubby Alan Lund.

    Yes, Bea Arthur will be missed. But I would have to say I am most like Betty White (Rose).

  15. oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! She was the one I wanted to be, too. What a nice post as a tribute to her.
    :) Lidy

  16. I'm so glad you did this tribute. I guess I'm a Betty White. Thank goodness for the Bea's!

  17. thank you dixie.i had not heard.i am so sorry.i would most like to be her also.she was a lady of grace,class and strenght...ann


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