Saturday, April 4, 2009

Flea Market shopping in Wimberley, Texas

We (Candy, Barbara and myself, and friends...)had a great time at Wimberley... There are so many different little "store fronts" and shops... selling everything from fine china to Civil War Memorabilia... And of course... put Candy and Dixie together... and you get two goofballs on the loose...

Fortunately, Candy brought her mom along... here on the left... (guess where Candy gets that beautiful white hair!)... here's Loretta "haggling" over the cost of a plate... Loretta won! What an absolute doll she is... Loretta has now agreed to adopt Dixie...

Here's Candy and mom... Loretta... The first "buy" I made, I asked if they would take less than the price they had the item labeled... I got a $9 item for $6... Loretta said, "Dixie, you can offer them less?"... "of course!" said Dixie... Loretta didn't pay full price for the rest of the day!
I think I like the name of this shop because when I was a kid... I loved Roy Rogers and Dale Evans... "Happy Trails to you... till we meet again... "

Isn't the exterior of this shop just delightful!
I thought this vintage porcelain candle holder was divine... and only $8!
This is a display of shoes... you know.. the little "one shoe" collectible kind... They were only $3 each.. what a great find!
Just next door was a fellow that had all kinds of Civil War memorabilia... This item made my heart stop... a reminder of our not so beloved past...
and here ya go... Dixie and saddles... I just love the smell of leather on a horse!
I liked this box of eggs... ceramic, stone... glass... all pretty in their own way...
I thought this was a cute sign.. it reminded me of one that had a picture frame and etched glass someone had posted... but I like the "gone fishin, catcha later"...
This was a bed from Australia.. only $125....
and of course being in South Texas... somebody had to be selling the beautiful
I love this little shop with the Adirondack chairs and elk horns on the roof!
and I'm a sucker for bottles in a window... like these...
and how cute is this... Tex Kist.. get it?
oh look! scarves... tons of scarves (or "scarfs" for those less talented in the English language...LOL) for only $3 each... do you think I found anything I liked?
I love the beautiful blue of this storefront... click on the photo to enlarge it so you can see the beautiful hand painted dragon flies painted on the store wall...
Candy said, "Look a vest... with the purse already attached!" I think Candy will be looking for denim vests at the thrift store now... I love vintage christening gowns... isn't this one a treasure?
and a vintage baby doll that really needs some love...

Bet you're wondering what I bought... I have to tell you that Loretta, Candy's mom, was the queen of buying today... I think Candy made about 7 -trips to take stuff that mom bought, back to the car... but I found a few things on my list... oh... my list... want to know what was on it? I'll tell you on Sunday... I think you'll like the treasures I found... and visit Candy and Barbara.. who have promised to blog their finds as well... "a good time was had by all..."

Down here in French Lique...


  1. I'm crying happy tears over all the photos ,thanks for sharing the journey.
    I loved it all .
    Wish I could have been there but the pictures are worth more than a thousand words.Since this is a blog post I must stop now.
    Blessings to you .
    Happy Trails

  2. Wow, what a day you had! I am especially envious of the shoes--man, I would have had a heyday with those....

    Can't wait to see what you bought!

  3. Hello in T-town. I found your blog and noticed that you are from my hometown, although a Texan. I am too not that we have lived in Houston for 36 years. I dated those Texas side boys in high school. Love your blog!

  4. How fun Dixie! I bet you found some neat treasures! Can't wait to see them.

  5. It was a lot of fun, wasn't it?!
    I'll get my post on what I brought home together tomorrow. Love all your pictures of neat stuff. Wish we could have gone down to the river and soaked our tired puppies.
    Take a rest, Candy

  6. Ohhhh! I wish I could have gone with you gals! I bet you had so much fun! I like Loretta. I need her to go with me...I'm not a good haggler! I can't wait to see what you got!! Hope you are having a good weekend...hugs...Debbie

  7. Oh you lucky gals! What a fun day. I on the other hand spent all day working in the yard boo hoo. Looks like you found a lot of great things, Wimberly is such a great little town. And I need to take Loretta with me when I go shopping. I never got the haggler gene lol. Kathy

  8. My DIL's sister collects those little shoes. I wish I could go shopping there.

    Candy and her mom are both gorgeous ladies. That hair!

    I'd get those eggs for ME!

    I love Roy Rogers too.

  9. Since, I'm catching up, I'm going backward through your posts, so I already know what you found. But, it is great to hear about meeting blogging buddies. laurie


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