Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tablescape Thursday... A Valentine for Lunch...

Tablescape Thursday is hosted by one of my favorite decorating bloggers, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch...
If you'd like to see more Tablescape Thursday participants, link here to visit Between Naps on the Porch... Visit Susan to see more beautiful tablescape posts today!

There is nothing more romantic and enjoyable than a sweet lunch out on the porch... especially in the early afternoon of a sunny, breezy day...

So this is my Valentine lunch... for my Valentine, Ricky...

The dinner plates are my everyday dishes... Lenox Butterfly Meadow Cloud... which is a pretty bone colored embossed china... I just love it's simple design...

and the square luncheon plates are from Syracuse China. I have four of them; the two I'm showing you today are "The Peony" above, and "The Magnolia" below.
The little embroidered linen napkins are from Martha Stewart, purchased several years ago at KMart... gathered in a simple silver napkin ring.
I love vintage depression glass. I purchased this pink "Pillar Optic" water pitcher from a friend when he was closing his antique business, Chisholm Trail Antiques in Converse, Texas. He passed away a few months later at the age of 84. He was a wonderful person and a dear friend; and that makes the few things I purchased from him even more special and cherished.
My little centerpiece is just a simple stone angel... I like this photo because it shows you our American Flag flying in the front yard and our beautiful blue Texas sky today.
the next photo was an accidental photo; but I liked it because you can see my little angel through the wine glass... and those are a bunch of Azalea's behind the pitcher.
I decided to use hot pink place mats on my outdoor vinyl lacy tablecloth to match the pretty hot pink in my plates...
and of course a bottle of my favorite Chardonnay... Barefoot Chardonnay from California...

This photo from the backside of the tablescape... I just LOVE the colors!
I hope you all have a beautiful Valentine's day. I'll be in Dallas with #2 daughter and son-in-law, who will be renewing their wedding vows on their 10th anniversary. The Panda and Romeo are in the ceremony, and I can hardly wait to share their sweet photos with you next week!

Thank you dear Susan for sharing your love of the Tablescape with us all!


  1. Beautiful Valentine's day table Dixie!

    Have a safe trip... I'll be looking for pictures when you get back!


  2. Sweet table and I love the floral plates, very charming.

  3. Beautiful table Dixie! I love the colors. That depression glass pitcher is just gorgeous, and how special is must be to you. Great post, Kathy

  4. Love the square floral plates, a very pretty table!

  5. How nice to be able to eat out there now, especially all dressed up in pretty flowered dishes. beautiful table!...Christine

  6. Hi Dixie! I love your tablescape! I like the way your glassware photographed, accidental or not!Did you see the wonderful shadow of your wine glass in the first photo? Very artsy, my friend!! Can't wait to see the pics of Panda and Romeo! Have fun!!!...Debbie

  7. Dixie what a beautiful table.. I lvoe all your nice to have such a beautiful piece bought from a dear friend..have a safe and fun trip. Can hardly wait to see photos of Panda and Romeo..congrats to your daughter.. hugs ~lynne~

  8. Hey Miss Dixie! Lovely Outdoor Valentine Tablescape, I adore those little plates, especially the Peony one. I can't believe you've got that lovely weather down there, I'm jealous! ;) You have a great time in Dallas! What a wonderful occasion! ;) ~CC Catherine (PS, I had a blast on my first Wordless Wednesday and was amazed at all the nice comments)

  9. What a pretty tablescape. Lovely dishes!

  10. Such a beautiful tablescape, and such a beautiful sky in the background. Love those salad plates and that pretty pitcher. How nice that it brings back memories of a friend. laurie

  11. Oh! how lucky you are to be able to eat outside...without a snowsuit! :)
    Lovely those dishes...very pretty!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. Hello Dixie, your hot Pink tablescape is beautiful, how lovely to have Valentines lunch on the porch, love the little angel through the glass :), Kathy.

  13. Such pretty colors and some awesome china! I'm loving it outside like that and your beautiful flowers.. Have fun in Dallas, Cindy

  14. Dixie, your table is set so beautifully. I would love to be a guest at such a pretty table setting. I love the story behind your pillar pitcher.

  15. Loved your table. That photo of your little angel through the wine glass was priceless. Thanks for sharing. Maryrose

  16. I love outdoor dining, The hot pink is gorgeous.

  17. Well,just look what my new Texas neighbor did.Ms Dixie,this is beautiful.You really did a lovely job.Have a wonderful V day and a safe trip.Bring me somethin pretty back...ann

  18. What a pretty table and i just love the "pink". The placemats and the little square plates are especially nice.
    Roberta Anne

  19. Hi Dixie!
    Your Valentine tablescape is just lovely!

    I love your plates! It's so nice that you have the depression pieces you obtained from your friend--the pitcher is gorgeous!

    I also LOVE that photo of the flag behind the angel---you "done good"!

    How I wished we had some of that beautiful Texas weather here in Missouri. We've had a few warmish days, but nothing like you!

    Happy Thursday! Dana

  20. Dixie, your outdoor dining is so pretty!! I just love the pink depression glass pitcher, pink depression glass is my favorite. My girlfriend in CA collects that and the jadite...really pretty together (casual). Happy Valentines Day. Have fun in Dallas, I'll be thinking of you~ across the lake~ sharing a beautiful day with your daughter and family! Hugs, Cheryl

  21. Gorgeous! Pink and pretty, with that stunningly blue Texas sky as a backdrop. Really lovely.


  22. Such pretty rose plates, and I just love the little cupid. I have a few pieces of pink depression glass that were my mothers, and I agree with you, it is so lovely. Your tablescape is just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  23. There's something so cool about a table set on the porch. It calls to me! Beautiful things you put together :0)

  24. Great tablescape. I love the flower plates & the pink placemats. And your Texas blue sky is gorgous as well.

  25. LOVE your sunlit table! And that pitcher is fabulous! Beautiful table!

  26. Hi Dixie,
    You are a winner! I drew your name this afternoon for the Strawberry pincushion. Please send me your mailing address and I will get it right out to you.
    Congratulations and hope you will love it.

  27. Dixie...this is sooo pretty! Do you have azaleas blooming now? If so, I'm jealous. I love your outdoor table setting...your china is gorgeous! I especially love the pic with the angel and the flag in the background. It looks like the angel is praying for our country...very sweet. Thanks for a lovely table this TT! Susan

  28. Such a beautiful table. Simple and very romantic! I loved all the different shots, it made that table come to life:)

  29. It's mind bogling to me that there are places in our beautiful country that feel warm, have balmy breezes and tablescapes that look like yours .... so pretty! I missed the Wordless Wednesday .... but will join next time. I loved the LOVE word ...


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