Monday, January 26, 2009

Metamorphosis Monday - just a snippit!

Metamorphosis Monday is hosted by one of my favorite decorating bloggers, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch... If you'd like to see more of Metamorphosis Monday participants, link here to visit Between Naps on the Porch...

Now, those that read my blog know that I'm currently in the throws of reorganizing and redecorating my home office... Ricky and I have been working hard at getting the physical changes made... floor to ... well not the ceiling... we still have the popcorn... but floor to nearly the ceiling...

the floor... from 25 year old orange/gold carpet... uggggghhhhhh

Metamorphosis (think fairy sprinkles here.... )

the walls... blue... not an ugly blue... but they were dingy and not my favorite color blue (this was Ricky's son's room... so lots of holes in the wall where posters had hung... a Nerf basketball goal still hung above the door... etc... you get the picture... oh... here's a picture...

Metamorphosis (sprinkles...) pretty, sunny pale yellow...

and the entry door to my office... nondescript... and not me... (we're working on changing all the interior doors in the house)...
Metamorphosis (you know what to do...) and this will Morph some more next week...

So... we're further along than these pics show, but still not quite there... this is a process. Each Monday I'll be posting a few updates until the big reveal... when all is done (maybe March!)... this is a redecorate and declutter project you know... I like the decorating... the declutter... not so much...

And... here's a little peek at next weeks Metamorphosis post... I'm calling this picture... "Where's Roxy"... I had a roommate in school that had one of these rugs and I have wanted one ever since and so.... I purchased this fabulous Flokati rug months ago in anticipation of my redecorating... I think Roxy approves!

Have a lovely Metamorphosis Monday; and thank you Susan for the inspiration to become a butterfly... and to my friend Marcia at Organising Queen for providing the declutter inspiration... you ladies are Deee-Vine!

Just taking it a day at a time down here in French Lique...


  1. Looks like you've got some great projects happening. Looking forward to the final reveal! Have a great week...

  2. You're doing a great job, can't wait to see the finished product. Love the new door!

  3. I can't wait to see the end results. Everything is already looking so good! Keep it up!..Christine

  4. DIXIE,

  5. It's looking so very good. I need some fairy sprinkles in my office too.:)

  6. Love the wood floors and love the paint color. Can't wait to see the finished room. You are doing an amazing job.


  7. You won the Worth a Thousand Words Contest! Congratulations Dixie!

    Your office looks great! I love that door.

  8. This is looking really nice. Can't wait for "the big reveal" Kathy

  9. scared me! When I was scrolling down at your metamorphosis pics and saw Roxy, was thinking I didn't want to see what she Meta'd to!!!! Geez. Don't do that!!

    Good job getting rid of that gold orange carpet! We have all had that at one time or another. And the baby blue walls.....yep, another good design change! And the french door...well, who doesn't love a french door! Great post.


  10. Fun examples of great changes going on. The floors are the best.

    Kathy b

  11. Looking great so far;) Keeping us in suspense I see(smiles) French;)

  12. Your updates are looking very good so far! ~Rhonda :)

  13. Hi Dixie,

    Ma and I are flying into Jackson. We live about 2 hrs. drive away but we have no airport, except for a little private one. Thanks for your opinion about my mom's room. I think she'll like it too cause she will see the sunshine...Christine

  14. Love that french door on your office, and how cute your baby is on that rug! You're right, you almost can't see him! Watch out, you may step on him. Looking forward to see the final room. laurie

  15. Hey Dixie,
    Great job, I love all the things your doing to your home. the colors you have picked are great and the floor and the door. I look forward to seeing the rest of the reveal. Cindy

  16. Dixie, Hey their French Lique gal...I've had a blur of a past few days... Just meandered my way over here to check out your M.Monday and to find out what you brought home from your shopping spree last week. I guessed the birdies, but am going to check it out now to see if I was right! LOVE THE ROOM and where it's gotten so far...and the wood floor, CHECKMATE! Super pick! ~CC Catherine (chat soon) ;) Thx for all your sweet comments you leave on my teacup site!

  17. Oh Dixie...I love what you have done so far...especially that door! I can't waitto see the final reveal! Wonder if Roxy thinks that rug is her Mama??? Have a great day...Debbie

  18. Debbie... I think you're right. Roxy has a little pillow bed in my office where she normally lays in the evening while I blog/work... I can't get her to stay on it now that the rug is down! The funny thing is... Precious walks around the rug. She won't go near it, much less lay down on it... Wonder what SHE thinks it is... LOL
    Those little poodle girls are so funny!

  19. Great improvements. That office door is a little bit concerning. You could stick tin foil up in all those little windows. Cut down on all the looky-loos, if you know what I mean.

  20. hahaha- the only looky-loo at my house is my hubby (unless you want to count the poodles!) But, I have addressed that problem already, which will be revealed next week. remember in my post i said the door would continue to morph! WAIT TILL YOU SEE!

  21. Things are looking good!

    When I saw Roxy on the rug the same color as she, it reminded me of a "Where's Waldo"!

    See you tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

  22. French door and wood floors...... this has been a huge change..... no what you mean about the declutter....

  23. no apologies ever needed :)

    I certainly love the door re-do...and I am so understanding of the paint and stain instant feedback aspect! LOL

  24. your new floors and the new wall color...everything is coming right along. Looking forward to the big reveal! You are such a tease! :-) Susan


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