Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A little under the weather...

I'm a little under the weather this week. I had to cancel appointments yesterday, not a good thing for someone that works on commission. The nasty cold has come to visit our house. Today, however, I'm feelin' better... thanks to spending the last 40-hours bundled up in the bed. The best thing I found out while being sick.... my allergy medicine works great on my stuffy nose. Thanks Claritin D! Feelin' a little better today, down here in French Lique...

1 comment:

  1. We got hit hard here too by that rotten cold thing going around. First husband, then grandson.. so I decided to get out of the house and go shopping with a friend to avoid some germs -- and she gets in the car snarfing and snorting and sneezing and wheezing... geeze! So far I've avoided it... lots of Zinc and Euchanacia! Feel better!!!


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