Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sheltering in place...

Remember the Swine Flu circa 2009?  My BFF (Candy) and I pretty much ignored it, going about out junkin’ shopping that year and whatever else we chose.. we ran across this swine at a trade days shopping excursion in Wimberley, Texas that year.  We had to take the photo... I mean, it was pretty darn funny... right? 
 Fast forward to 2020 and Coronavirus...  now who’s wearing the masks? Not so funny now... right?  
 So... I haven’t seen Candy in months!  Me & Ricky are sheltering in place at our vacation cabin somewhere in the National Forests of Mississippi.  We have everything we need, and most everything we want.  We’ve been working on a complete renovation of our cabin kitchen, and we’re almost done. Thank goodness the government deemed Home Depot & Lowe’s necessary industries to be open!
Someday soon (I hope) life will be back to normal... well, okay... the new normal... and we will be able once again to gather (in groups of 10 or less) keeping social distanced, and enjoy a glass or two to celebrate having survived this calamity of humanness.  We hope and pray you are well and healthy.  Raise a glass (or two) in celebration of being alive & well! As for us, all is well 
Down Here in French Lique...