Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bouncing Betties from Curious Boys

I love crusty-rusty-vintage garden furniture. My friends Joe and Glenn, the Curious Boys, are one of my favorite sources for my passion. Between them and the lovely Beverly at Glory B's Cottage, my porches are filled with beautiful vintage iron treasures...

It's a little early in the season to bring out the cushions and pillows... but soon... all this white will be filled with color... blue-yellow-and white this year... I can hardly wait...

Thank you Boys... I've ordered thick custom seat cushions so my guests this summer will linger late into the evening, sipping wine and bouncing themselves into the warm summer night...
It's almost time... down here in French Lique...

I'm linking to
Timewashed's Blissful Whites Wednesday and
 Coloradolady's Vintage Thingie Thursday... drop by and see who else is linking up!