Friday, September 30, 2011

Looking for Pink at Zapp Hall....

While shopping Round Top/Warrenton, Texas I was on the lookout for a little PINK to post for Beverly's PINK Saturday... but it was slim pickins! PINK is not the color that is abundent amongst the rust and chippy paint... But, I did manage to find a few PINKs to share...

First stop... the HGTV booth where we met Emily Johnson of HGTV's Design Star... I'd love to show you the photo of Candy and me with Emily, but the lady that took our photo somehow managed to only get the top of the tent! 
and then there were the Junk Gypsys and their PINK SUV... and Candy framing herself with my treasure purchased at Theresa's Blog Party... you can read a little more about that HERE...
then finally... this pretty top made from vintage doilies...
all pretty in PINK and ready to shop...
down here in French Lique...

I'm joining Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound... drop by Beverly's and see who else is playing along...

Vintage Fabrics and oh the things you can do!

Taking Cindy's lead... I thought I'd post some of the beautiful fabrics that Candy and I found in Warrenton/Zapp Hall/Round Top. There were mountains and mountains of vintage fabrics... and beautiful items dressed with the fabrics. I think that's enough talking... now I'll just let you browse the photos...

Candy, looking through the mounds of vintage yardage...
Beautiful vintage bark cloth in some of my favorite patterns... $45 a yard...

Well... that's it for today... tomorrow... more vintage junk to share...
it's all about the beauty of vintage... down here in French Lique...

Now... go back and see what's happening at

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Found.... Vintage Junk Treasures you'll LOVE!

Our first day in Round Top, we made a bee-line for Zapp Hall, where we hoped to find Theresa of Garden Vintage Antiques and Deb of Talking Trash.

First we found Theresa, and I found this treasure in her booth... in true Dixie style, I decided to leave the treasure in her booth and let others decide if they wanted to buy it or not...
I figured, if it was there Sunday night when we came back for the Blog Party, it must belong to me... it was... and it does... (yes, that's Candy hiding in the mirrors reflection!)

We found Deb and Cat Daddy too... it was Cat Daddy's 60th birthday... and we found the little grand-princess, Miss Bella herself... but you'll have to come back to see those pics...
We also found lots more "found things" strung across frames (like mine) and pillows of burlap and linen.  I am sure this technique has a name... but I have no idea what it is.  If any of you junk devotees know what they call this stinging of found things... please share it with me.  You don't have to know WHAT it is to LOVE it!

Hope you're enjoying these little teases... there is entirely too much to put it in one post... so I'm going to try to "group" like items and share them a category at a time!

Until then dear readers... just enjoy the view...
from down here in French Lique...

I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursdays with Colorado Lady... Drop by and see who else is playing along...
and Liz has invited me over for Time Travel Thursday... Thank you Liz!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

back in French Lique....

Candy and I are back, safe and sound and no worse for the wear... Candy back in Wimberley and me, Dixie, back in French Lique... Here are a few photos from Theresa Cano's Blog Party, where we had a great time, met some new people and...
hung out with the Trash Talker herself... Trash Talkin' Deb!  (and yes... she is really-really short for all her big vibrato!).  Candy and I are about 5'7"... Theresa, in the middle background... about 5'5".... and Deb... I'd say she'd be about a foot short of a cornstalk... and not quite 5-feet tall... what a hoot this girl is!
Everyone brought some food with them to share and Theresa supplied the wine... Candy didn't hesitate to make herself right at home!
...and this sweet girl, all the way from Atlanta, Georgia... had the most beautiful booth and the sweetest smile... but she didn't have any business cards... and I don't remember her name.  She had the cutest wine bottle cork candles (which you can see displayed here on the wine bottle top)... She gave us much inspiration to bring back home.  If any of you Georgia gals knows her name, share it with me so I can give her some credit!  Check out her piles of pillows in the background...
We had a great time, and came home with lots of treasures to show and a few good stories as well... wait till you read the one about meeting Emily Johnson of HGTV Design Star fame... and the photo opp gone wrong! But that will have to wait for another day... cause this old gal is tired and ready to put her feet up for a few hours...
down here in French Lique...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Girlfriend Weekend in Roundtop...

Candy and I are off to Round Top Texas tomorrow morning to spend 3-glorious days at "Oma's Haus" and shop-shop-shop! I thought I'd share a few photos from my Pinterest (check it out on my side bar if you haven't already), stuff that I'm going to be looking for while I'm there... then next week when I get back... I'll post what I found!
I'm always looking for vintage frames... the gaudier.. the better!
and vintage clocks... be still my heart!
I would love to have a chicken wire cloche... or two... or three!

and then to wrap things up nice and neat... we'll be going to Cat Daddy's 60th birthday bash on Saturday night... hosted by the fabulous Trash Talkin' Deb herself (seated here wearing white pants and the black print top) ... and then on Sunday night... Theresa Cano's Blog Party (there's Theresa standing behind Deb wearing blue)... and the blog party... well that's on my bucket list.

What a great time we'll have... wish you could be there too!
We'll be thinkin' about you down here in French Lique!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Come on down and we'll go shoppin' !!

Candy and I will be there, along with a couple of other gal-pals... ya'll come join us!  It's gonna be fun!  Round Top here we come... from down here in French Lique...