Today I'm joining in the celebration of Sunday Favorites 1-year birthday!
Chari at Happy to Design sure puts on a great party... and I couldn't resist joining in by reposting one of my favorite parties... a repost of my contribution to Rondi's second annual porch party, June 2009...
Hope you enjoy reading... or re-reading... and then drop by to see who else is joining in the party today...
Welcome to the porch party at
French Lique... and when you finish partying here....

The flowers are all in bloom and inviting you in...

I'm inviting a few Texas Gals over to help celebrate... What... don't see your name here... why silly thing... it's right here in my hand...

and here's a chair for you... I just painted it yesterday morning...

or maybe you'll like this seat better... you get to choose.

The table has been set with all the things you like... lots of vintage china, silver, and depression glass... and a pretty vase of pure white roses...

Don't these say Porch Party to you? How about a bowl full of strawberries or maybe a bowl of cherries? Go ahead... take one... they're delicious!

Here's that artsy shot you've been waiting for... a guest's eye view...

Yep... that porch furniture painted a nice cottage white.. just divine...

Would you like a glass of Saint Gen's White Zin? See a cake plate can also serve as a nice bar tray for some pretty wine glasses...

Then after lunch... we'll mozy on over to the shady end of the porch for a little afternoon tea... These settees will get their white paint next weekend... But don't they look fresh and pretty with their cushions wrapped in an old chenille cutter spread and a few vintage looking pillows?

Ebay just has be best buys on cottage pillows... don't you think... Why don't you just sit right here and make yourself comfortable...

Nice and shady and ready for us to while away the afternoon... chatting and drinking some lovely Raspberry tea... One lump or two?

I love sitting here and listening to the wind chimes... or maybe even taking a summer afternoon nap...

But today we're just too busy to sleep... Here... how 'bout a sip... Ricky got this pretty vintage china for me at an estate auction... it's called Coralbel...

I have the perfect little place to hang my apron... This sweet apron was a blogger giveaway gift from Cathy at
Catherine De the' Cups. It's just adorable... I love to wear it!

Here's what it says on the front... Isn't it just the prettiest thing!

Well... I'm still waiting... but no body's here? I'm sure the invitations said 11:30 a.m. sharp for lunch! Oh no! The invitations! Did I forget to mail them? I've just been so busy painting?!

Oh well... I'll pour myself another glass of nice cool wine and sit here and daydream for a while... It's a good thing I forgot to cook too!

Guess I'll tuck my little pretties away... until next time...Maybe Candy and BJ will come over early and help me get organized for our next Porch Party...
I love a porch party... down here in French Lique...